Monday, May 23, 2011

Best Thing Obama Has Ever Done...

Easily and without question the best thing he has done since in the White House (even that whole Osama Bin Laden thing...).  Over in Ireland today Obama downed a pint while visiting the homeland of his great, great, great, great grandfather.

I can't say he's all bad any longer...anyone downing a pint of Guinness and looking like he's enjoying it can't be pure evil at heart.  Well done sir!!  Well done!!

Oh, and just as a contrast, I love the shot of nasty McGee Michelle Obama here too...if there is one in this relationship that is pure evil, its her...Look at that mug...she doesn't even have a pint glass, that's more like an eight ounce or smaller glass and with her first sip she's ready to hurl.  It's like the goodness that is Guinness will not accept being imbibed by such a loathsome creature.  Sometimes a picture is so telling...

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