Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Scott Brown Election: My Take...

OK, as a former long time resident of the People's Republic of Massachusetts and current cross border homeowner who laughs at the droves of people coming across the border into NH to save on sales tax and who look with envy on our (relatively) crime free cities and towns, open space, high standard of living, etc. I feel I can perhaps take an insightful look at this issue that everyone is in such a kerfuffle about...

Democrats, communists, liberals, socialists, union members and the meth-addicted—Fear not!! Just as the Democrats WAAAAAYYY overestimated the popularity of Barak Obama's ideas, thinking that because the electorate couldn't stand George Bush that they suddenly wanted to be transported to a late 60's hippie compound where the government would impose a twisted version of "equality" upon all businesses and people, so too are the current Republicans and conservatives overestimating their new found popularity symbolized by the Massachusetts election of Scott Brown.

Scott Brown's election does NOT mean that suddenly Rush Limbaugh is going to be the next president, nor are we suddenly going to see a flat income tax instituted and abortion outlawed. It merely means that the pendulum is swinging back to the center once again and because it swung so far to the left with the election of Barak Obama, so too must it swing as far to the right as to elect a Republican from a state that created Mike Dukakis and kept an alcoholic manslaughter escapee as a senator for 50 years.

We are now in a period what the financial markets love—gridlock. Historically the markets love gridlock. Nothing is more predictable than stagnation. Bill Clinton enjoyed eight years of stagnation and saw the country prosper from it. I only hope that the election Scott Brown blunts the plans of the lunatic left (seriously, Reid and Pelosi should be euthanized or at the very least, committed) and allows the wonderful world of political stagnation to become the "norm" for the rest of Obama's term...

At the very least however, we can always thank the voters of Massachusetts for getting more face time for the Brown female contingent including the lovely Ayla (above), her younger sister Ariana and his cougar wife Gail Huff. Thank god for small favors!

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