I actually agree with something a member of the Obama administration said!
And of all people too...Rahm Emanuel...
He evidently had a less than enthusiastic opinion of the UAW--which is quite surprising given the administration's ties to the labor movement and heavy handed tactics on behalf of other union derelicts like the SEIU.
I think I will actually pick up the book this quote was obtained from, entitled Overhaul, it is an account of the Obama administration's takeover of GM and Chrysler. Given the support that the administration eventually put behind the two bankrupt entities and the various ways in which they have tried to swing the market in their favor, one has to wonder how much weight Emanuel's opinion actually carried on this point.
Another quote, this time direct from the Messiah himself, asking his advisers why GM and Chrysler can't make a product like the uber high/consistent selling Corolla, indicates that the President did realize the disparity between quality of product that Toyota was putting out and the trash that the domestics were--he just ended up choosing to fund the crappy, union driven sinkholes that are GM and Chrysler instead of letting them hang as he should have...
Rahm Emanuel--Fuck the UAW...
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