So she is almost complete...
Still left to do are the wetsanding and buffing of the fenders and roof, the addition of the stage rally required mudflaps in front (rear ones look to be on already) and a "blending" between the fenders and the main body of the truck in terms of paint texture (factory paint is much rougher than the superb job done by Dube's Custom Street Machines). Then I need to finish the "blue" vinyl that will continue from the door on each side, across the bottom of the fender and terminate at the wheel well, where the front mudflaps will be. Really all minor items that make up the finished product.
But for all intents and purposes this is what she will look like. The picture isn't the greatest as the curves of the fender are not visible due to the overexposure in the morning sun and you only get a small peak at the now red roof...but I think you get the idea. I will pick her up tomorrow and take more/better pictures then, at which time she will have all of the above items completed except for the lower blue vinyl and "blending" between the fenders and body.
Let me know what you think!
I think it looks great, Dan. Keep it up!
Looks awesome!! You need to send us some new hi-res photos! if you could send them to brian@fiberwerx.com
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