Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Jesse Jackson Can't Draw a Crowd in Detroit!

Poor, poor Jesse Jackson...

With his son facing sentencing for fraud, conspiracy and a host of other items and Jesse's coalitions going downhill faster than the ratings over at MSNBC, the race baiting huckster decides to pop his head out of his mistress' hole long enough to "protest" the new emergency manager put in place by the governor of Michigan over the city of Detroit.  The city and the people of Detroit have shown themselves incapable of governing themselves and have driven the city into a third world apocalyptic image of African American slums--but that's really not the point here...

The greater point is that Jesse couldn't rally more than an estimated 35-100 people at his downtown Detroit protest against Mr. Orr, the appointed emergency manager.  The people of Detroit are either too cold, too scared or too smart to buy into Jackson's 50 year old diatribes--and good for them.  If only more people and particularly companies had stood up to Jackson along the way, millions of dollars could have been kept out of the hands of do nothing criminals.

Jackson has been defrauding companies for years.  My first encounter with his methods came some 15+ years ago when he defrauded Toyota of millions of dollars over "minority" hiring and sourced materials.  The Auto industry was a favorite target of Mr. Jackson (see op ed here: Receiving end of extortion...) and given his ties to "organized" labor its not surprising.  Reading this and other articles in the Detroit News along with their comments makes it appear as if Jesse may have come to the end of the road (hopefully).  If he can't draw more than 50 people in the most corrupt African American city in the US, where can he draw people?  Its as surprising to see this as it was to see George Wallace take 90% of the African American vote in Alabama back in the 80's...Maybe they both can commiserate in hell when its all over...

Not surprising though from a family co-chairing the '08 Obama election campaign though...

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