Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Excellent WSJ Op-Ed...

Ahhh...the Wall Street of the last fine true journalistic entities in America. Perhaps their general business/free market orientation lends them have an easier time of looking at the world as it IS and not as some fanciful idea, theory or wish or socialist paradise where everyone is equal (of course some being more equal than others...)--but I digress.

Today there is an excellent op-ed piece by a Warren Kozak, who I have not delved into too deeply yet and only know that he is a new op-ed writer for the WSJ, this being only his send piece, the prior one on the connections between Iran and Venezuela.

This piece concerns the current arrest and trial of a number of Navy SEALs for having punched (oh no!!!) in the nose, the leader of the group of Islamic thugs who attacked, killed, shredded, stripped, burned, dragged and hung from a bridge a number of Blackwater Security guards in Iraq a few years ago.

The fact that most Blackwater Security guards had backgrounds in the Special Forces and may have had friends within the SEAL or greater Special Forces community is not mentioned in the article, nor elsewhere that I have seen but I thought it bears mentioning as it highlights the unbelievable restraint these SEAL had in doing nothing to this guy other than bopping him in the nose...

Kozak's article is a reminder that war is a dirty, ugly, horrid thing and that good guys do perform some "bad" actions. I use the word "bad" in quotations as I think it is extremely elitist of us, back here in our lounge chairs, drinking our cappuccinos in the warming glow of our electric vibrators to pass judgement on these men. As the article asks--Was it wrong for GIs in WWII to turn concentration camp guards back over to their former inmates to be literally torn apart by hand?? Maybe to you...but then again, you haven't been a concentration camp victim have you?

Fantastic Op-Ed in the Wall Street Journal...

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