Thursday, December 18, 2014

Nameless Performance, Chris Duplessis and a GT86 in the Desert

This video came out about a month ago and definitely deserves some more views.  The vehicle is a Toyota GT-86 and it was run formerly in a few Rally America events but has now been completely reworked to offer even more speed and RWD insanity.

Filmed in Jean, Nevada during the Seed 9 Rally there this past early November.  The Toyota was taken out on the 4th stage of the event likely due to a broken axle but set the third, third and second fastest stage times on the first three putting over a minute of time on the nearest 2WD competitor in each.  I love seeing a car like this rallying out on the desert roads of the Southwest...little better...

Nameless Performance is a rally oriented aftermarket company that has recently teamed up with the famous Cosworth company out of the UK and is now using this GT86 as a promotional tool and is likely going to be the most recognizable rally vehicle in the US in 2015 as they run a full national series.

Nameless Performance website...

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