Inglourious Basterds, if not returning him to the prominence achieved by his initial films, at least gets him close. At 2 1/2 hours it is a long film and if you don't thoroughly enjoy Taratino's long scenes and extended dialogues then it will feel at least that long. If, however, you enjoy the pacing of his films with their decided lack of "rapid fire edits" that fill most modern films and the accompanying long conversations between rival characters then you will thrilled with the content found here.
Not as overly bloody as either Pulp or Reservoir, Inglourious is still rife enough with scalpings and shootings to deserve its "R" rating and is not for the squeamish. Still, it doesn't come off as frivolous or over the top, at least not to me. War and revenge are violent acts and this film depicts them as so.
Though Brad Pitt tops the credit list as far as actors go, it is Christoph Waltz who you will remember. He deserves every bit of the "Supporting Actor" Oscar he won earlier this year and it is his charisma as an SS officer that carries the plot from beginning to end.
By all means, if you have a spare three hours, sit down and give yourself over to this Jewish revenge fantasy of film. Someday some scholar will sit down and catalogue the Jewish desire to strike back at a foe long gone through the medium of film, and this will be one of the primary films included in the syllabus...
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